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Showing posts from October, 2017

Human Nature

Humans are full of flaws. Humans aren't ever perfect. They make mistakes like being late or forgetting something. No one could possibly be perfect. Some people say "I'm human" and it literally means that humans make mistakes. Over time I learned this through experiences of my own and others around me. At school especially people make mistakes. For example, forgetting to do homework, being late to class, not studying, and getting a bad grade. Those are only some examples of flaws. But instead of thinking about all of those flaws, I'd rather think about all the good people can do.

What is the difference between living and being alive?

This is such an interesting question. Some people would say that living and and being alive is the same thing. I would say that it is a much more profound question you would need to look beneath the surface. In my opinion, to be living is not having an extraordinary life but not having a terrible life. Living is just getting by.  Being alive is more of living in the moment. When I think of being alive, it's like when you reach the top of the roller coaster or at a concert and you are dancing and the beat drops. Being alive is taking any chance you get. 

Fall Break

During fall break I went to Rosemary beach with two of my friends. We rented a house close to the beach. We had so much fun hanging out on the beach and riding bikes all around. At night it was so fun when we would sit on the beach. Or we would ride bikes to other places like Alys Beach. The last two days we could not swim because the waves were crazy. There was almost nobody on the beach. I think is was crazy because of the storm that was coming. The last night we could barely walk on the beach because the tide was so high it would come to the steps of the walkover. I am glad it was a gross day when we left because I wasn't so mad to leave when we did.

A and P

A and P is such an odd story. Sammy is a very different character. He seems like he doesn't have many friends based on his thoughts about the girls. He might have been in high school because he was so intrigued. What I want to know is why his parents would be mad about him losing that job. Is he supporting his family? Is this his first job?  The girls in the store were stock characters. It was the way Sammy described them. How there were three of them and there was a "leader"The girl who was leading the other two took the situation about the clothing very well. She just laughed and did not make a commotion. This was a ver random short story.  

A Flash Story

It was 7 A.M. when Jerry woke up to his bed shaking. He starts to run out of the room and everything else is moving too. He is freaking out because he is home alone and has no idea what to do. He leaves his mom a voicemail, “mom I don’t know what to do the ground is shaking and I think there is an earthquake, I lo- love you and-and I miss you. By-bye mom.” He creeps to the front door and see the unthinkable. There are three hundred pigs running through his neighborhood. Jerry doesn’t even believe it. The humongous pigs stop and are wandering around the neighborhood, breaking into people’s houses, cornering everyone they find. Jerry darts towards the attic. He starts to pull down the stars for the attic when he sees a huge pig staring at him. The pig grabs his leg and drags him out of the house mercilessly. The wild pig pulls him where the rest of the people are. After the pigs find everyone they get out their napkins and then charge- Jerry opens his eyes and looks

Harrison Bergeron Short Story

      Harrison Bergeron short story really makes you think about equality. It make you ask yourself, do we really want literal equality? My favorite part is when Hazel says the dumbest things. I think if I was someone like George I would run away and take off the Handicapper stuff. I think I would loose my mind if I had something like a gunshot or an explosion going off all the time in your ear.       I think the climax of the whole thing is when Harrison enters the places where the ballerinas are dancing. The falling point is when Harrison is shot from the ceiling. If I was Harrison I would not be waisting time dancing on the ceiling, I would have gotten Hazel and George, and run really far from there. This story was so interesting and I hope to read another one soon!