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Showing posts from September, 2017


Johnny and Brad walk into the kitchen trying to hide their face from their mother, Brenda. "How was it?" called Brenda from the living room. "What?" Johnny responded pretending to not know what she is talking about. "Swim Practice!" responded Brenda starting to get impatient. Brad knew he had to speak up,"We forgot". Brenda walks into the Kitchen gritting her teeth, "How could you!?" Johnny's face turns bright red and responds quietly, "We are sorry". Brad looks around to escape this stiff situation and finally picks up his and waves it at his mother saying, "gotta go" and pretends to be talking to someone. Johnny is still standing there knowing she knows that he didn't want to actually go. He is trying to figure out how he is going to get out of this and then a light bulb pops up, "Brad's idea" and then runs off to go hide for what could come next. Brenda sitting there in amusement ju

Personal Narrative

At first I struggled with the narrative because I could not come up with a topic. When I finally thought of my topic it was easy for me to write. The topic I picked was easy for me to jot down vivid details. I first made a bubble for the topic then I split it into vivid detail, emotions, and story. I had so much stuff to put I did not think was going to have enough time to finish, but eventually I did. The biggest thing I am struggling with are commas and significance. For some reason I do not do well spotting out where commas need to go. And for significance I am not sure if my story has enough significance or not. It is hard to tell. Other than that I think my piece is doing well right now.    

Advice for Twelve Year Olds

        Dear 12 year olds, don't change for other people. I know it can seem hard not to get something that everyone else has but after a while that Kendra Scott necklace or that Swell Bottle will get old. Even if you do start to go with the crowd it will get tiresome trying to act the same just to get attention. Trust me on this one. The friends that laugh and make memories with you are the friends you will need later on and will stick with you.         Another piece of advise, CARPE DIEM. Seize the day. I wake up and I think about those two important words everyday. Make the most of the present. Spending time worrying about future things like who will you go to a dance with or if you don't get invited somewhere. Make the most of what is going on right now. Sooner or later you will move off somewhere cool and might not get to experience school so just make the most of it.      

Us and Them Narrative

        Us and Them is about a family that does not watch television, and a kid starts to watch the family and is very interested in them. When the family without a television thinks it is halloween and knocks on the kids door, the neighbors take some of the children's candy. I like how the story's perspective is through a child's mind. The immaturity of the child and the curiosity of the kid is on point.        It must be really hard living without a TV. They probably have no idea what the president is like or what is going on in the world. The children probably feel isolated because when kids talk about their favorite TV show the children wouldn't know what to say. I would feel very left out if I didn't know what was going on in the world or if someone was talking about cool shows. 

The Book Thief

          In my current reading book, The Book Thief, there is a jewish man staying with the Hubermans. Rosa H. is actually okay with him staying in their house. It is very odd because Rosa is very grumpy and would not except anyone else to stay with them. I feel like she secretly praises him because his dad saved her husband's life and she somehow feels the need to repay the Jewish man.           One part that confuses me is that Max (the visitor) took the train to get to his house, but because he is Jewish they would have captured him and taken him to a concentration camp. I am guessing that whoever was helping him gave him a ticket with their name on it, not his. The book is changing drastically because a new main character is added to the book and it could change again if someone catches the Jewish man hiding out. 

The Angle Tree

                  On August 29, 2005 one of the greatest hurricanes hit Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi. They called it Hurricane Katrina. A huge percentage of the people living there lost everything. The storm took down houses, trees, and anything else you would imagine. It was a storm that nobody forgets.                     In Bay Saint Louis I drive by a tree that is carved with angels almost every time I visit the town. The tree was an oak tree that stood outside of an Inn. The owner of the Inn had her two friends and one dog stay there thinking they would be safe from the hurricane. When the storm destroyed the Inn they climbed the tall tree and clung to it for many hours. The oak tree was the only standing structure near them. The group lived to tell the story too. The owner of the Inn got someone to carve angels into the tree because the owner claims angles saved them from the hurricane. Katrina was a very devastating Hurricane and an unforgettable one too. link-