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Strengths and Weaknesses

I am good at ideas and knowing what I wanted to write about. My word use is pretty good too. I usually just write my whole paper and then go through it and replace it with bigger words that sound more sophisticated. I don't know why but ideas are easy to generate.  My weakness is definitely the structure of my paper. I am not good at knowing what goes at the beginning, middle, and end of the paper. My end of the paper isn't that strong either because I don't know weather to leave the readers with something to think about or just to end it. 

HIts and Misses

I feel like I really did not do well in writing papers. It was kinda hard because I would ask for notes and what I should change but my paper still didn't do well. I got a tudor to help with my paper but that didn't help. I kind of just accepted the fact that I am not good at writing papers. I think I did well in tests in this class. I was also really good at knowing what is going on in the book. I can pick up context clues easily which is helpful. I liked taking tests because I know how to prepare for them. I study a lot for them because it is hard to know what is going to be on the test.

What makes you happy?

What makes me happy is when I make memories with my friends. I don't know why but the thought of making memories puts me in a good mood. For example, if I went on a trip with my friends, and we did something crazy I love that because instead of laying in bed watching countless shows of The Office, I am having a good time. Maybe it's not even a good time, I could probably make memories from it and I could laugh about it in years from now. Like whenever me and a friends had to walk a dog and the dog went to the bathroom on me, I laugh about it now.

Jaja's Trip to Nsukka

Jaja's life at home is super dull and is very planned out, so when he heard about his trip to his Aunt's house I would assume he would be excited. During the week he played football with his cousin, helped around the house, and did normal teenage things. He was definitely having a fun time. When he heard that he got to stay he was even more happier, so that shows his feelings about his home and going back. When he did go back he had definitely grown feelings about different things like religion, his dad, and the way he does things at home. For example he talked back to his father about Papa Nnukwu's funeral and converting him. Overall, Jaja had grown as a person during the trip.

F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen

F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen; Trump Calls It ‘Disgraceful’   by Matt Apuzzo. This article written  about Michael Cohen, who works for Donald Trump. He was raided Monday Morning. The F.B.I. had a warrant going to his house and office taking emails, documents, records and many other documents concerning Donald Trump. The author's opinion doesn't seem very opinionated , just factual. I would guess that the author is not in favor of Donald Trump since the writer works for the New York Times, but it's very hard to tell.  The raid definitely  means that there will be something to find connecting the affair of Trump and Stormy Daniels. What confuses me is why Trump calls it 'breaking in' if they had the right to raid because of a warrant. I think that Trump is trying to make it sound like the FBI are the ones who are in trouble. I chose this article because I heard about what happened this morning and I love the New York Times and how i

My love for Fat Cow

I truly cannot put into words how much I love Fat Cow. Fat Cow has been there for me through everything: after track meets, after school, summer days when there is nothing to do, wow Their milkshakes make me sing, Their burgers make me cry with happiness, The whole place is perfect. And I know when I have stress, I go to Fat Cow and I have so much respect for the owners, the workers, and most of all cows.

Purple Hibiscus Response

Papa is a very important character in the book. He is very aggressive and is very controlling. He is also a very confusing character. When mama was pregnant he hurt her for not feeling good and wanting to stay in the car. He then told the family to hope that she is forgiven for her sins. But she hasn't even sinned for anything.  Papa always tell his family what not to do, but he does the exact opposite. I know that he works hard so his family can have anything, but he is not a very good father. Kimbili can't really have any friends because they are a 'distraction'. Everyone is really quiet and they are nervous around each other. 

Beach Memories

I wake up with the waves, with the sound of soothing seagulls. Soon the weeks go by as I am changing shades. I walk along the beach with my beagle, Not having a care in the world. Eating ice cream every day, and my hair getting curled, Oh how I wish I could stay. I'm leaving soon, but I know I'll carry the memories forever. I'll miss the mysterious sand dunes, but I know the beach and I belong together. I used sibilance, alliteration, slant rhyme, and euphony.

lyric poem

I chose the song Umbrella, by Rihanna. The three techniques used is Alliteration, Sibilance, and Connotation. There is a large amount of alliteration. At the beginning of the song it says, "Good Girl Gone bad". The effect it created is making the song catchy and easily remembered. In the pre-chorus, it goes, "because when the sun shines, we'll shine together" which creates a sibilance. Although it is really hard to sing because of the amount of s's. It still does create a great combination making the song very energetic. The last technique used was connotation. The song tells a story and in the song "Umbrella" means protection, so what Rihanna is trying to say is when things get tough i'll always be there to protect you. Rihanna calls whatever the troubles are rain, and that whoever it is can use her umbrella to shield themselves from the rain.  Rihanna video

Free Post

My Saturday was very eventful. I spent the night at my friends house because it was her Birthday. So I woke up at her house and I had to get up early and go home so I could get ready for my track meet. I got to the track meet and I got to see all my friends. I was in the mile so my event was early in the track meet. I like how I could just chill the rest of the time with all my friends. After the track meet I got home at 5 so I had to quickly take a shower and get dressed for a dance that I was planning on going to. My friend picked me up and we headed to the dance. By the end, I was exhausted. On the way home I fell asleep in the car because I was so tired.

Launch Day

My favorite speaker was Louise Andreef's thesis on social media. I liked how she supported girl power. The term "It Girl" was very clever. I could relate to the presentation because I have used social media to find clothes that I like and purchased. It was something that I was really interested in and I understood what she was talking about. When she had the example of the influencers I was already following most of those people. She was really good at talking to people and I could tell she knew what she was talking about. She didn't have to look at the board at all and didn't freeze when she was talking. I loved Launch day because it was a super fun day and I got to hang out with my friends the whole time.

Research Post

The Rwandan Genocide is my project. It was the mass murder of 800,000 Tutsi and moderate Hutu. The main group that were killing was Hutu. This took place in Rwanda, a county in Central Africa. My research question is how did the genocide happen, and how could it have been prevented. The genocide did not spontaneously occur because of all the conflict the Hutu and Tutsi had before it happened. The main reason the Genocide wasn't stopped was because the UN had definitely not helped, and sent more soldiers to Rwanda. My topic is so important because genocide is a terrible thing and the UN learned from not helping and has set out to make sure that a genocide never happens again.


Rowdy and Junior my favorite characters because of their relationship. Especially in chapter three when Junior wants to 'disappear', and Rowdy talks him out of. Also when they were getting revenge on the triplets showed true friendship. I like how Junior showed that Rowdy means more to him than his actual family. The two are very alike and at the same time they are very different. Rowdy doesn't let anyone mess with him, and on the other hand, Junior is afraid of getting bullied. Their family lives are pretty similar. Like how both of their families drink.

Snow Day

I didn't really play in the snow in the morning, since I woke up at 12. In the afternoon I met up with my friends that live in my neighborhood. We all went to my friend Kate's house and we watched a horror movie. It is always a tradition that we watch something scary at her house. After, we all went to another friends house, Trevor, to make a fire and eat lunch. We then all played in the park seeing who could sit in the snow the longest. When we got tired of that we went to Georges. We decided to go to LSU's amphitheater to slide down the ramps where it was icy. We were all craving something sweet so we went to Insomnia to get a million cookies for everyone. I was so shocked when I heard that some people have never had Insomnia. It is literally the best cookies in the world. I am obsessed with them. Later that night I finally decided to do the emergency closure lessons...

Research post

My research is surprising going very well. I thought it would be harder than it actually is, but I think it is going to get harder. My topic is on the Rwandan genocide and how it started and if the genocide could have been stopped if the UN had an affect. My research sources might be hard to annotate all of it because most sources include conflicts and what happened during the genocide. Some sources are very long.  My subject is kinda hard to talk about since it is such a sad time that happened. I could barely even watch a documentary about the genocide. It is just such a tough subject. I think my research is different from others because a lot of students' have topics on things that happened a really long time ago. 

semester reflection

I think that I have definitely changed throughout the semester.  I have different opinions and thoughts on things. I had a really good start to my semester and I hope to have a great start to my second semester as well. I would really like to spend more time on what I really enjoy, like track and art. I did really well in cross country this year so I would like to do really well in track. My goals for the semester is to have a lot more fun, while still focusing on school and my studies. I have learned that I worry abut things that I can't do anything about, so I need to worry less about those type of things. I would really like to make my freshman year very memorable. I can't wait to see what this semester has to offer.