In a little town called Fane, a girl named Katherine has the perfect life. She has great grades, many friends, and she loves the town she lives in. She likes to follow the rules and does everything her parents tell her to. Katherine's best friend, Taylor, is very different from Kathrine. She is very adventurous, takes risks, and doesn't follow the rules. Most of all Taylor cannot stand Fane. She thinks the town is too small and hates the fact that everyone knows each other. Katherine and Taylor are both seniors and can't wait for college. They were doing homework together when Katherine says, "So are you excited for FSU?", Taylor looks up slowly and responds humorously, "I'm not going to FSU". Taylor then explained that she can't wait to get out of this town and as far away from everyone as she could. Katherine felt as though her best friend betrayed her and couldn't even look at her. Kathrine explained, "I already know everyone here ...